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What power options do I require?

The two major types of power for stairlifts are battery operated (DC) and 110-120 household current (AC) operated. The most preferred choice are the battery powered stairlifts. Quiet running and operational during power outages, these units are very dependable for the consumer. To provide the power necessary to maintain the stairlift’s fully charged batteries, these units have a transformer that is plugged into a standard household outlet (using between 1.5 – 2 amps). There is no need to have a dedicated electrical line installed.

As with all batteries, over time these batteries do need to be replaced. The life of a typical stairlift battery does vary and depends on the length of stairs, users weight and frequency of use. Consumers should expect to have 2-3 years of usage before replacing stairlift batteries.

AC powered stairlifts, meanwhile, operate using your home’s electricity – and may require a dedicated electrical line to complete installation. While not as popular as DC (battery power) stairlifts, there are a few companies that manufacture this type of stairlift. The choice, ultimately, is yours!

Dedicated outlet for A+ Stairlifts of Pittsburgh
Battery for A+ Stairlifts of Pittsburgh

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    Carl and Gina of A+ Stairlifts of Pittsburgh

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